日本有和服楓紅,我們台灣有花布柿餅, 一樣紅通通、一樣好討喜。 昨日扮日本女,今日做台灣妹, 啊~~,為了團員、社大學員,小米麻糬我好犧牲, 給個鼓勵按個讚啦! 張花姐, 我們倆簡直是最佳拍檔嘛!! There are the red maple and Kimono in Japan, here have dried persimmon and colorful cloth wear. I d […]…
日本有和服楓紅,我們台灣有花布柿餅, 一樣紅通通、一樣好討喜。 昨日扮日本女,今日做台灣妹, 啊~~,為了團員、社大學員,小米麻糬我好犧牲, 給個鼓勵按個讚啦! 張花姐, 我們倆簡直是最佳拍檔嘛!! There are the red maple and Kimono in Japan, here have dried persimmon and colorful cloth wear. I d […]…